Painted Mountain Golf Resort

Reviewed By: Andy & Leslie
When you pull up to Painted Mountain the first thing you notice is, "Resort? Where is the resort?". The main building looks like the VFW, old and boring. The bag drop is a bit messy with the guys managing carts in a panic to get carts cleaned and returned to the course. This is an old course that has had little updating since its inception and you can tell. The pace of play was terrible and we were backed up three groups as soon as we left the first tee.

Scenery: Sure there is a mountain way off in the distance, but all you will mostly notice is the ramshackle of old holiday houses lining the course. There are a handful of tastefully updated homes, but the majority are in sad looking shape. Hard not to take in the architecture when the houses tightly line the fairways.

Service: The old men in the pro-shop looked like the building itself. Old and outdated. The carts guys were friendly but couldn't get you a cart until your tee time because there were just not enough. The beverage carts gals were friendly.

Variation: Nothing. About a handful of sand traps, a number of small ponds which rarely came into play and zero elevation change.

Maintenance: The few sand traps have no edges and there are patches of dead grass even in the promotional photos on the Painted Mountain website.

Value: There is not much value here. I paid $70 for a winter rate tee time for a course that was uninspired and, to be completely honest, boring. The pace was incredibly slow (5 hours) and we were backed up from tee one. The group of old men in front of us spent more time fishing for golf balls than preparing for the next shots. They did not charge me for Leslie as a ride along which was the best value they could offer.

In summary, as we approached the 18th green it was surrounded by drunks, singing along to a band blasting "Free Bird" (I have video I need to upload).  It gave me a glimpse of what it would be like playing the 16th hole at the Waste Management Tournament and was one shot away from missing the cut. A resort this is not. A well priced muni course this is not. If you really need a tee time and they have one open then go for it. I did have a ton more to say about this course, but nothing that would have made it any more appealing, so I will stop here.