Schmooze Bar and Breakfast

Reviewed By: Leslie & Andy
One beautiful Spring day, we woke up early and looked at our phones to see if the end of the world came over night. Happily, the world still existed in its same ol same ol--the politics are still politics, the stock market is still cranking away, and the weather is still HOT.  However, this particular morning it hadn't made it out of the mid-seventies by 8 A.M. which gave us a great (looks like I spelled "terrible" wrong again) idea: let's walk to Old Town and get breakfast!! What could possibly go wrong on an 11 mile round trip walk in the early summer of Scottsdale, AZ?? So we did that. We walked into Old Town and found an awesome coffee shop which provided a lovely atmosphere to eat a healthy breakfast and to really concentrate on answering the question of our teetering sanity: Schmooze.

Ambience: We approached Schmooze from the street and noted the greenery growing up the fence of the garden which acts as a nice buffer between the patio space and the street. It provides some noise control and an air of mystery. Upon doing a little research, I learned that Schmooze is intended to be a workspace for remote workers. Providing quiet areas to work with plenty of high speed internet and charging ports for devices. The interior is a funky modern style with glass tables, exposed brick, and cool art. 

Quality: We each ordered a different version of avocado toast. Andy is a bigger fan of arugula than I, so he ordered the Arugula Caprese avocado toast which, as expected, was piled high with arugula, fresh tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and a pesto drizzle. Though a little complicated to eat--knife and fork or fingers?--he thoroughly enjoyed it. Mine was the Farmers Avocado Toast--cucumbers, feta, and chili flakes over fresh avocado served on whole grain toast.  Also very tasty. There were huge breakfast burritos leaving the kitchen left and right which I wholly intend to order on my return visit. Also a great array of sandwiches, smoothies, bowls, salads, coffee drinks, and some craft cocktails. The food is fresh and has a healthy flair without being pretentiously hippie. 

Service: Our interaction with the servers was limited. As Schmooze is a fast casual setting your order is taken and paid for, you are given a number, and the food is delivered to your table when it is ready.  However, the cashiers were friendly, our orders came out promptly, and the dishes were cleared efficiently.  All in all the set up works efficiently and the employees are competent.  We were happy.

Value: The food and service are good, and the setting is a nice spot for breakfast while you work on writing your next best selling novel or maybe just some homework on a Sunday morning. The prices seemed a little spendy for avocado toast, but I have to admit I don't order avocado toast very often and have not taken note of the average avocado toast prices.  While writing this review I did a little avocado toast research, however, and found that the prices are about average.  We enjoyed our breakfast and the quiet outdoor garden space.  So, the value of location and quality food is reflected in the pricing.  We will return to share one of those gigantic breakfast burritos.

This was our second visit to Schmooze and we enjoyed it both times. It's a great place to take a break from shopping, or to grab breakfast while you are having a business meeting.  We like the funky atmosphere paired with the quietness of the space and the great healthy food options.  All in all, we both think Schmooze is a fantastic place in Old Town.  If you are seeking a quiet little nook to write your future Academy Award winning screenplay, then Schmooze is for you. But, if you just want breakfast because you are halfway through your 11 mile walk, it's hot outside, and some refreshing hibiscus tea sounds good--well, Schmooze is for you, too.